The North Sea is an adjacent sea to the North Atlantic Ocean and part of the European continental shelf North Sea Limits (International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB) : Monaco) Area: Volume: Depth: 525000 km 2 42300 km 3 about 430 m in the southern Norwegian Trench 52 53 „.i--" ì Wilhelmshaven Hydrographic regions (1 to 7) (ICES Study Group, 1977) Volumes of the hydrographic regions (km 3 (Backhaus, 1978) Mean currents (—►) Volume transport (Sv, observed) Feie-Shetland section and Fair Isle Current: Otto et al. (1990); [JONSDAP current meter moorings March-June 1976] The Channel: Prandle et al. (1996); [1 year of HF radar and bottom-mounted acoustic doppler current profiler 1990/91] 4 °w 3 8 "E9