214 U. MIAMI INT'L & COMP. L. REV. V. 23 As predicted/ 8 there have been some challenges in the context of the implementation of the PLR, but these challenges have been overcome in large part due to the insurance industry's willingness to actually offer PLR- compliant insurance policies and at least the few national administrations that were able to implement the PLR on short notice. The PLR will not dramatically ameliorate the situation of passengers overnight but it raises the standard. Given the economic importance of the European market, the obligatory insurance, and the resulting indirect pressure by insurers, technical and other standards can provide at least some contribution to the protection of the rights of passengers. The PLR is far from perfect and should be improved, but it is a step in the right direction and it provides an important impetus for the eventual ratification of the PAL 2002, which allowed the latter to take effect in 2014. 78 Tsimplis, supra note 9, at 148.