System Nordsee 
List of Tables 
Atmospheric Physics 
Table 2-1: Calendar of daily weather types in 2006. Red: C & CDIR; Blue: A & ADIR; Bold (+, ++]: 
Gale (severe, very severe) 44 
Table 2-2: Contingency table of weather types in 2006 (%) 44 
Table 2-3: Calendar of daily weather types in 2007. Red: C & CDIR; Blue: A & ADIR; Bold (+, ++]: 
Gale (severe, very severe) 45 
Table 2-4: Contingency table of weather types in 2007 (%) 45 
Table 2-5: Seasonal and annual relative frequencies of reduced weather types in 2006 and 
2007. 47 
Table 2-6: Calendar of reduced weather types in 2006 48 
Table 2-7: Monthly frequencies of reduced weather types in 2006 48 
Table 2-8: Calendar of reduced weather types in 2007. 49 
Table 2-9: Monthly frequencies of reduced weather types in 2007. 49 
Table 2-10: Mean lifetime in days of reduced weather types and the anonymous >thing-in-itself< 
(NN) for the period 1971 - 2000 and years 2006 and 2007. 56 
Table 2-11: Weather-type transitions for base period 1971 -2000 (NCEP). £: Count matrix of 
rounded transition frequencies for the climatological year. G: Transition frequencies for 0. 
order Markov chain, g^ = RSjCSj/364. P(=P 1 ): Transition matrix of 1. order Markov chain, 
obtained fromC via Cij/RSj); n: Eigenvector (tt = ttP), stationary (unconditional climatolo 
gical) distribution. Entries Pij( 2 Pij, ePij) of matrix P = P 1 (P 2 , P 6 ) are conditional probabilities 
for transitions of the Markov chain from current state s, to state Sj within 1 (2,6) time steps 
(days). E: Embedded transition matrix (without sojourn times, from C as Pfor Ca = 0). ...61 
Table 2-12: Same as Table 2-11, except for 2006 (left) and 2007. 
Table 2-13: North Sea Wind statistics. Means and standard deviations (m/s) for zonal (u,s u ) 
and meridional wind components (v, s v ), vector wind and direction (V, Vdir), velocity (Vel), 
persistence (V/Vel in %), and »area« of 50%-probability ellipse (FE 50 = 1.3863ns a s b inJ/ 
kg) 85 
Table 2-14: North Sea Wind. Mon thly statistics: Wind direction, vector (V) and scalar (Vel) wind 
speed (m/s) and persistence (V/Vel in%) 90 
Table 2-15: Excess probabilities of the empirical cumulative distribution function (row 2) for 
Jenkinson-Collison gale thresholds (row 1) and gale thresholds (row 4-6) for »trimmed« 
excess probabilities (row 3) of various distributions 94 
Table 2-16: Return periods for storms of minimum severity G* due to the GPD. V and £ are as 
sociated maximum windspeeds and vorticities (rpd = revolutions per day) as given by the 
half-axes of the storm ellipses (G* = b*=a*/2). NCEP-thresholds for gales (G), severe gales 
(SG), and very severe gales (V5G) are in bold print. Severities beyond those of the last row 
are impossible on account of the GPD's positive shape parameters 94 
Table 2-17: The 10 most severe gales during 1948-2011 (NCEP). rDV 1 = l//l/ max (T ; ] - 1 is the 
relative departure of windspeed from max. possible windspeed associated with VSG 
threshold (return period 1 yr, cf. Table 2-16) 97 
Table 2-18: Number of severe and very severe gale days (5G| VSG) 98 
Table 2-19: Total number of gale days (G+SG+VSG) 99