Global Trends in Ship-Sourced Marine Pollution 15 Table 2 lists the ten countries where ITOPF has attended spills most frequently In the past ten years. China Is where ITOPF have attended most spills, because of the vast coastline, busy shipping and many busy ports and harbours. In addition, China has experienced substantial economic growth resulting In Increased export and Imports of oil and consumer goods. Japan and the UK are Island nations and have a large ma ritime Import and export sectors, with many ships trading, contributing to the Increased risk of an Incident occurring. Country China Japan United Kingdom South Korea USA Spain France Egypt Brazil Greece Incidents 23 12 12 11 10 09 09 08 07 06 Table 2: Top ten countries of ITOPF attended spills In the period 2000-2010 Conclusions The downward trend In oil spills Is a very positive sign that both governments and the shipping Industry have taken significant steps In Improving safety and reducing the risk of an Incident occurring. However, there Is no room for complacency and Incidents will continue to occur In the future. Whilst prevention of spills should be of the highest priority, there needs to remain a high level of preparedness. When dealing with Incidents actual past experience of managing such complex situations Is Invaluable. However, with the decline In the number of Incidents worldwide, Inevitably means that those responsible for oil spill response gain less hands on experience. Consequently It remains vital that contingency plans are kept up to date and regular exercises are held to train responders and test emergency procedures. This, In turn, will Identify areas In the contingency plan that requires Improvements and updating.