75 Selectivity of clean-up Chloroparaffins The clean-up step on Florisil allowed separating nearly completely PCA from other interfering compound classes such as PCB or toxaphenes. Moreover, the internal standard 1 ’C io-/ra/7.s'-chlordane was also present in this fraction. Table 19 shows the fractionation behaviour for selected compounds. Table 19: Fractionation of the single PCA congeners CioHi 6 Cl6 and Q3H20CI8 from PCB 153, toxaphene #62 and rra/rv-chlordane by Florisil column clean-up. Relative distributions are given (prefraction: 60 ml of n-hexane followed by 5 ml of dichloromethane, PCA-fraction: 60 ml of dichloro- me thane). Compound Distribution [%] Prefraction PCA-fraction C10H ifF-lf, 5 95 C13H20CI8 <1 100 PCB 153, HCB, HCH 100 <1 Toxaphene #62 100 <1 frans-chlordane 5 95 Chlordanes The separation behaviour of Florisil for chlordanes was more complex. Table 20 shows the variability between two different batches, which was considerable. Therefore, a large quantity from the same batch was purchased and its elution properties optimised to avoid such a variable elution range. This improved also the recovery of heptachlor to >80 %. Nevertheless, /ran.s-nonachlor eluted in about equal parts in the pre- and PCA- fraction and had to be quantified in both. 1 ’C1 o-zranv-ch lordanc was a suitable internal standard for the PCA-fraction and 4,5-dichlorochlordene (Karls son el al., 1997) for the pre-fraction. Due to the missing persistence to sulphuric acid, it had to be replaced by e- HCH for the analysis of biota.