16 Tabelle 1.2. Eisverhältnisse in den Gewässern der deutschen Ostseeküste im Winter 2004/05 Table 1.2. Ice conditions in the waters of the German Baltic Sea coast in the winter of 2004/05 Observation stations Beginning of ice occurrence End of ice occurrence Number of days with ice Max. thickness of level ice, cm Kamminke, harbour and vicinity 7.2 17.3 32 5-10 Ueckermünde, harbour - river mouth 4.3 4.3 1 5 Ueckermünde, Szczecin Lagoon 15.2 15.3 29 10-15 Karnin, Szczecin Lagoon 28.1 15.3 22 5-10 Karnin, Peenestrom 28.1 15.3 22 5-10 Anklam, harbour 26.1 29.1 4 3 Anklam, harbour - Peenestrom 26.1 29.1 4 3 Bridge of Zecherin, Peenestrom 26.1 11.3 36 5-10 Rankwitz, Peenestrom 28.1 16.3 42 8 Warthe, Peenestrom 7.2 17.3 24 5 Wolgast - Peenemünde 7.2 5.3 11 5-10 Peenemünde - Rüden 7.2 10.3 10 5-10 Stralsund, harbour 11.2 11.3 14 10 Stralsund - Palmer Ort 7.2 9.3 15 10 Palmer Ort - Freesendorfer Haken 7.2 14.3 15 10 Greifswald-Wieck, harbour 26.1 10.3 21 6 Dänische Wiek 28.1 21.3 28 8 Greifswald-Ladebow, harbour 4.3 15.3 12 10-15 Osttief 9.2 10.3 8 8 Landtiefrinne 9.2 12.3 7 10 Thiessow, bodden area 8.2 7.3 8 5-10 Thiessow, sea area 8.2 5.3 6 < 5 Lauterbach, harbour and vicinity 1.3 10.3 9 4 Stralsund - Bessiner Haken 7.2 10.3 16 5-10 Vierendehlrinne 7.2 13.3 20 5-10 Barhöft - Gellen fairway 9.2 5.3 9 6 Neuendorf, harbour and vicinity 27.1 14.3 27 7 Kloster, bodden area 7.2 14.3 21 8 Dranske, bodden area 29.1 13.3 22 7 Wittower Fähre, vicinity 28.2 11.3 12 5-10 Althagen, harbour and vicinity 28.1 15.3 36 6 Zingst, Zingster Strom 7.2 10.3 14 8 Barth, harbour and vicinity 8.2 17.3 24 14 Rostock, city harbour 8.2 8.3 8 3 Rostock - Warnemünde 4.3 7.3 4 < 5 Rostock, overseas harbours 5.3 8.3 4 3 Wismar, harbour 20.12 11.3 18 4 Wismar - Walfisch 4.3 5.3 2 3 Neustadt, harbour 9.2 10.3 4 < 5 Kiel, inner harbour 8.2 8.2 1 5 Eckernförde, harbour 8.2 4.3 3 < 5 Schlei, Schleswig - Kappeln 28.1 11.3 20 8-10 Flensburg - Holnis 28.2 10.3 6 < 5