71 10 Selected web pages More than 97 million links are returned (on 3 April 2006) for the keyword “tsunami(s)”. Therefore, the following selection can only be arbitrary. Many sites contain their own selection of pages. The sites were last checked on 9 September 2006. http://librarv.lanl.gov/tsunami/ STH82: Journal “Science of Tsunami Hazards“ http://www.sthiournal.org/ STH06: Current issues of journal “Science of Tsunami Hazards“ http://www.lib.berkelev.edu/WRCA/pdfs/wiegel tsunamibib.pdf Tsunami information survey. R. L. Wiegel 2005. http://www.dnr.wa.gov/geology/tsuinfo/ Tsulnfo Alert: Recent information on Tsunami. Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources, started in January 1999. 10.1 Reports and risk assessments http://www.defra.oov.uk/environ/fcd/studies/tsunami/default.htm Tsunami Threat to UK, Defra Report, June 2005/06 http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/studies/tsunami/tsurpmn.pdf UKB05: UK report: The threat posed by tsunamis to the UK, Kerridge 2005 http://www.defra.gov.uk/environ/fcd/studies/tsunami/tsurp06.pdf UKI06: UK report: Tsunamis - assessing the hazard for the UK and Irish coasts. Smallman 2006 http://www.dmi.dk/dmi/tr05-08.pdf DMI05: Risk assessment, report DMI, Buch et al. 2005 http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/tsunami-risks/html/HSE1 .htm Results from the project Tsunami Risks containing background information, references, links and a special report Tsunami Risk in the North-East Atlantic Region by A. G. Dawson 2000 http://www.hvdro.com/ormenlanoe/librarv/attachments/OTC.pdf Storegga slide risk assessment. P. Bryn et al. 2004 (Hydro Oil & energy) http://www.lapalma-tsunami.com/tudelft.html TUD06: Research concerning the La Palma problem. Technical University Delft, Netherlands 2006 www.olympus.net/IAPSO/tsunami97.html Report of the IUGG Tsunami Commission Business Meeting and Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, July 2-4, 1997 http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/39/40/2503992.pdf Risk due to near earth objects. Report OECD 2003 http://www4.tpoi.com.au/users/tps-seti/bioastr2002.pdf Frequency of cosmic impacts, Paine, M., Peiser, B., 2002 http://www.sthiournal.org ./233/concept.pdf Warning Systems: Differences between the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. Murty, T. S., Nirupama, N., Nistor, I., Rao, A. D., Science of Tsunami Hazards, 23, 3, 39-51,2005 http://www.strategic-road.com/confid/risk/earthguakes.htm Links to essential open sources concerning earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunami including index according to countries. Stratedic-road.com, March 2006