Marine Chemistry Nordseezustand 2003 19 edly higher mercury levels in the area southeast of Helgoland, concentrations were again on the order of the 1998 levels. However, more recent analyses of sediment cores from the area showed that the sediment layer with elevated mercury levels was merely covered by a 3 cm surface layer with lower mercury concentrations. Radioactive Substances The concentrations of most artificial radio nuclides in sea water were hardly higher than those measured in the open Atlantic surface water. Despite the generally low lev els, emissions from the nuclear reprocessing plants in Sellafield and La Hague were reflected both in the concentrations and activity ratios of the transuranic elements. Re suspended 137 Cs from sediment of the Irish Sea is the second strongest source of ra dioactive substances in the North Sea, besides direct emissions from the nuclear re processing plants in Sellafield and La Hague. However, the highest 137 Cs activity levels in the North Sea are still attributable to the nuclear accident at Tchernobyl, due to Baltic Sea surface water flowing into the Skagerrak. The observed concentrations of artificial radio nuclides were so low that a relevant ra diation exposure through enrichment in the food chain is to be expected neither for biota nor the human population.