Nordsee und Deutsche Bucht 2002 
Table Index 
Table 2-1 NAO Index 2002. Ik: Ponta Delgada & Akureyri (Loewe und Koslowski 1998), 
Ipf6(lk): low-pass filtered (6 month), cruuea: Gibraltar & Southwest Island (www.cru.uea. hurrell: Ponta Delgada & Stykkisholmur (www. cpccdb: Amplitude of NAO pattern from 
rotated principal component analysis of 700 hPa height anomalies (www.cpc.ncep.noaa. 
gov/ data/teledoc.nao.html) 18 
Table 3-1 Censored percent frequency distribution of wind speed and direction at UFS-DB.50 
Table 3-2 Censored percent frequency distribution of significant wave height (swh) and wave 
direction at UFS-DB (model data). States swh=0 (15% of the time) not included 50 
Table 3-3 Percent frequency distribution of significant wave height (swh) near Helgoland 
(Waverider data, no wave direction sensor) 51 
Table 3-4 Nutrient concentrations (pmol/l) for characteristic water masses in January 2002. 
Table 3-5 Nutrient-Salinity correlations in winter 2002 (January, 10 - March, 20) at MARNET 
Station Deutsche Bucht 62