37 Fig. 30: GCs of four Venezuelan crude oils showing the general variation from n-paraffin (upper left) to naphthene based crudes (lower right). GC-MS analysis Biomarkers and their relations generally represent source and maturity of crude oils. While source parameters are derived from the specific biomass from which an oil has been formed, maturity parameters represent chemical changes occurring during oil maturation. Some of them can be highly characteristic, i.e. specific of a particular production area, or even of an oil field. But others may have only a very low meaning, when an oil spill sample is compared with samples from suspected sources. The relation of the C31+ enantiomers in the hopane series, for example, indicates maturity of organic matter in samples of potential source rocks. With increasing maturity this value reaches about 60:40 although it may slightly vary depending on the carbon number of the homologues being measured. The value of the second pair, expressed as 100*32abS/32abR (%32abS), of all 260 samples of the collection of crude oils from all over the world has found to be 58 with a standard deviation of only 2.2% (Figure 31).