where r signifies the bottom friction coefficient (r= 0.0025).
As a remnant of the equation of motion for the vertical component, there is hydrostatic
equilibrium along the vertical
The (hydrostatic) pressure is obtained by integrating this equation. With air pressure as
boundary condition at the surface, one obtains
atmospheric pressure at water surface,
water level elevation w.r.t. zero reference level (<^=0),
gravity acceleration.
As in many other models, pressure is split into a barotropic and a baroclinic part by the
approximate decomposition
where p 0 is a fixed density, typical of surface water.
The equation of continuity reflects the conservation of mass. At this point water is
assumed to be incompressible, i.e. sound waves are filtered out.
1 du 1 divcos (o) dw n
+ _— ' — +— = 0
RcostpdA R cos (p dcp dz
Various integral forms can be derived. In our finite volume model, horizontal integration
is performed over a rectangle in the x-cp plane while, in the vertical, segments are
bounded by either z-levels or (inclined) bottom or moving surface. For the uppermost and
lowermost cells, kinematic boundary conditions are taken into account as the water
surface and bottom are flow surfaces. Summing up these finite expressions over a water
column gives a finite form of the vertically integrated continuity equation
It is this form which is used to determine the sea surface elevation.