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Full text: 29: The Operational Circulation Model of BSH (BSHcmod)

Typical examples of model results are presented in Figures 5 and 6. Figure 5, which 
shows currents and water levels, also shows the grid spacing in a shallow area of the 
German Bight. White grid cells represent tidal flats which have fallen dry. Figure 6 
demonstrates not only the temperature distribution in the transition area of the North Sea 
and Baltic Sea but also the nesting of the fine grid net into the coarser net. It also shows 
the effect of fresh water input by some large rivers on the salinity distribution 
s'oc s' 10' s'20' s' so 1 a' -w a 1 so' g'oo' 
S'00' S'10' S'20' S'30' S'-10' S'SO' g' 00' 
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 
Water laval (m) 
Velocity (m/s) 
Fig. 5: Computed surface currents and water levels in the German Bight 
on 27.04.2001 18:00 UTC

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