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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

1 Introduction 159 
2 Voyage plann ing 162 
3 Monitoring and execution of the voyage 167 
4 Management of data and reference parameters 175 
5 Recording the current situation 178 
List of tables 
Table 1: State variables to describe position and movement 31 
Table 2: State variables to describe the environment 32 
Table 3: Definition of the state variables used in the INS 35 
Table 4: Characteristic sensors 36 
List of figures 
Figure 1: Process tasks, task areas and tasks of navigational operation 17 
Figure 2: Functionalities of integrated navigation 20 
Figure 3: The functionality “Set direction” 28 
Figure 4: The functionality “Set speed” 28 
Figure 5: Reference systems 30 
Figure 6: Degrees of freedom in the cartesian coordinate system 31 
Figure 7: Example of the reproduction of measured values in state variables 33 
Figure 8: Context diagram for the “integrated navigation” system 98 
Figure 9: Graphical symbols in data flow diagrams 99 
Figure 10: Top-level diagram of the “integrated navigation” system 99 
Figure 11: Model hierarchy 100 
Figure 12: Summary of the data flow diagrams of the functional model 103

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