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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

Checking the speed/time profile 
Functionality level 1 
Functionality level 2 
input information 
Output information 
1. Check set speeds 
1.1.1 Record data and set 
• Set speeds along the planned 
• Load status/stability and ma 
noeuvring behaviour of the ship 
• Maximum voyage speed/engine 
• Hydrographic and meteorologi 
cal information (currents/ice, 
wind/sea swell) 
• Local speed restrictions 
• Planned speed parameters (set speeds) in 
relation to the influencing variables 
1.1.2 Compare data and 
set values 
• Result information from 1.1.1 
• For each track section: difference between 
possible speed and planned set speed 
1.1.3 Assess result of 
• Result information from 1.1.2 
• Assessment whether determined difference 
from 1.1.2 is “positive” for each track section 
(i.e. possible speed > planned set speed) 
1.1.4 Provide result of 
• Representation of track sections 
for which planned set speed is 
too high, and the respective 
cause (result of 1.1.3) 
• Provision of set/actual deviation, stating the 
particular cause 
2. Check passage and 
arrival times 
2.1.1 Record data and set 
• Set speeds for each track sec 
• “Length” of track sections, i.e. 
distances between any two way 
• Set speeds and distances for all track sections, 
taking correction information into account 
2.1.2 Compare data and 
set values 
• Result information from 2.1.1 
• Statement of compilation of amended values 
for set speeds or distances 
2.1.3 Assess result of 
• Itemisation of track sections for 
which distances or set speeds 
have changed 
• Decision as to the track sections for which new 
calculations should be carried out

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