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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

Functionality level 1 
Functionality level 2 
Input information 
Output information 
3. Check maximum devia 
3.1.1 Record data and set 
• Planned transverse deviations 
for track sections 
• Manoeuvring capabilities 
• Accuracy of sensor technology 
• External influencing factors: 
meteorological, hydrographic 
and geographical influences, 
expected traffic in area consid 
• Planned transverse deviation calculated on the 
ship’s space requirement and the boundary condi 
3.1.2 Compare and assess 
data and set values 
• Result information from 3.1.1 
• Assessment whether planned transverse deviation 
lie within a limit existing through the internal and 
external boundary conditions 
• Indication of “critical areas” and particular cause 
3.1.3 Assess result of com 
• Result information from 3.1.2 
• Provision of the critical transverse deviation, stating 
the particular track section and cause 
4. Check manoeuvring 
4.1.1 Record data and set 
• Stipulated manoeuvring limits 
(max. ROT and rudder position) 
• Load state +manoeuvring capa 
• Planned set speeds 
• Planned manoeuvre 
• Provide data and set values for testing and as 
sessing the manoeuvring limits 
4.1.2 Compare and assess 
data and set values 
• Result information from 4.1.1 
• Statement whether manoeuvring limits are safe, 
taking ship’s behaviour into account 
• Statement whether planned manoeuvre/ set 
speeds are possible with observance of the ma 
noeuvring limits 
4.1.3 Provide result of com 
• Result information from 4.1.2 
• Provision of identified critical manoeuvring limits, 
stating cause

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