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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

Functionality level 1 
Functionality level 2 
Input information 
Output information 
2.1.3 Assess result of 
• Result Information from 2.1.2 
• Statement whether the weather conditions expected 
along the planned route are acceptable from view 
points of economic efficiency and safety 
• Representation of “critical areas”, stating cause 
2.1.4 Provide result of 
• Result information from 2.1.3 
• Provision of critical areas determined and their causes, 
for revision of the original route data 
3. Check hydrographic 
3.1.1 Record data and 
• Orderly way point list and con 
necting route sections 
• Expected passage and arrival 
• Hydrographic information 
• Load status, stability and 
strength of ship 
• Economic criteria (eg fuel con 
• Information on expected sea currents, ice and swell 
conditions along the planned route at the planned fu 
ture times 
• Limit values for acceptable weather conditions, taking 
into account load status/stability or strength of ship 
• Limit values for weather conditions taking economic 
criteria into account 
3.1.2 Compare data and 
• Result information from 3.1.1 
• “Difference” between hydrographic conditions expected 
and acceptable conditions 
3.1.3 Assess result of 
• Result information from 3.1.2 
• Statement whether the hydrographic conditions ex 
pected along the planned route are acceptable from 
viewpoints of economic efficiency and safety 
• Representation of “critical areas”, stating cause 
3.1.4 Provide result of 
• Result information from 3.1.3 
• Provision of critical areas determined and their causes, 
for revision of the original route data 

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