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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

List of contents 
Vorwort 3 
Foreword 3 
Summary 9 
Part A Functional Analysis of Navigational Operation 13 
1 The approach 15 
2 Task area “Voyage planning" 21 
2.1 Drafting the voyage plan 21 
2.1.1 Purpose of task 21 
2.1.2 Functionalities 22 
2.1.3 Functions 23 
2.2 Checking the voyage plan 23 
2.2.1 Purpose of task 23 
2.2.2 Functionalities 24 
2.2.3 Functions 25 
3 Task area “Monitoring and execution of the voyage” 26 
3.1 Determining set/actual deviations 26 
3.1.1 Purpose of task 26 
3.1.2 Functionalities 26 
3.1.3 Functions 27 
3.2 Determining set values 27 
3.2.1 Purpose of task 27 
3.2.2 Functionalities 27 
3.2.3 Functions 29 
4 Task area “Recording the current situation” 30 
4.1 State identification 30 
4.1.1 Defining the reference systems and state variables 30 
4.1.2 Defining the variables used in the INS 32 
4.1.3 Identifying the ship’s characteristic sensors and their output variables 35 
4.2 Observing the environment 36 
4.2.1 Purpose of task 37 
4.2.2 Functionalities 37 
4.2.3 Functions 38 
4.3 Object recording 38 
4.3.1 Purpose of task 38 
4.3.2 Functionalities 39 
4.3.3 Function 39 
5 Task area “Dealing with unplanned incidents” 40 
5.1 Collision avoidance 40 
5.1.1 Purpose of task 40 
5.1.2 Functionalities 41 
5.1.3 Functions 41 
5.2 Grounding avoidance 42 
5.2.1 Purpose of task 42 
5.2.2 Functionalities 42

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