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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

2. Monitoring and following the evasion track: 
2.1 Monitoring the evasion track: determining the difference between current state 
variables and the set values determined in the planning phase (1); monitoring the 
effectiveness of the manoeuvres executed and possible side-effects (eg on for 
eign vessels). 
2.2 Following the evasion track: executing the planned changes in course and speed. 
5.2.3 Functions 
With regard to the elementary individual functions, the classification explained in Section 5.1.3 applies 
where appropriate. 
5.3 Evasion of bad weather regions 
5.3.1 Purpose of task 
This task considers the deviation from the original voyage planned to avoid bad weather regions, bear 
ing in mind aspects of economic efficiency and/or safety. Compared with grounding avoidance, the 
evasion of bad weather regions necessitates re-planning on a wider scale: along with the extent of the 
bad weather region, its dynamic behaviour must be considered and evasion must therefore be under 
taken with an appropriate “safety margin”. 
5.3.2 Functionalities 
In accordance with the wide-scale nature of this task, the functionalities of the planning phase in the 
main comprise aspects of route planning. In order to underline this, the term “evasion route” is used 
within the framework of this task. The task “Evasion of bad weather regions” Is implemented by the 
following functionalities: 
1. Planning the evasion route: 
1.1 Collect information: record the relevant meteorological and hydrographic informa 
tion to determine the evasion route. 
1.2 Plan evasion route: fixing way points, determining set courses, distances, set 
speeds and passage or arrival times. 
2. Monitoring and following the evasion route 
2.1 Monitoring the evasion route: comparison between planned set values and cur 
rent state variables, determining the difference 
2.2 Following the evasion route: executing the planned changes in course and voy 
5.3.3 Functions 
See Section 5.1.3.

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