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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

3.2.3 Functions 
The functionalities of the task “Determining set values” are of the “Influencing state variables” type. 
Each functionality accordingly contains the following elementary individual functions: 
• Record information: scan in the input data relevant for the purpose of influencing the 
respective parameter. This includes the particular set/actual deviation to be adjusted 
as well as the controller parameters to be taken into account 
• Assess information: this function supplies the information as to whether adjustment of 
the set/actual deviation scanned in is permissible 
• Act: execute the adjustment, i.e. determining the setting variable. 
Annex 7.3.2 contains the functionalities identified for this task as well as the elementary individual func 
tions with their input and output data, in overview form.

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