2. Monitoring and execution of the voyage
Data flow:
Current voyage plan
1. Origin
• The origin of the current voyage plan must be known.
2. Validity
• The current voyage plan must be checked before the start of the voyage. This relates to all at
tributes of the voyage plan (s.).
• The result of the check must be made accessible to processing procedures.
• The scope of the check is obtainable from Process 1.2 “Checking the voyage plan”
• Each change entails a loss of validity; this concerns in particular any changes in the voyage
plan itself and changes to the geographical planning basis.
3. Quality
• The accuracy of the voyage plan must correspond to the required and practicable accuracy of
the navigation process.
• The data of the voyage plan must be sufficiently up-to-date, and compatibility between the
situation in planning and the current situation during voyage execution must be checked.
4. Harmonisation
• The geodetic datum used as a basis in the voyage plan must be made available to processing
• The geodetic datum from planning must be identical to the datum of position determination.
• Reference systems for planned set courses and speeds must be known.
• It must be known whether the planning was carried out on a rhumb line or great circle.
• Planning data must be capable of being checked for practicability with the aid of the current dy
namic properties of the ship.
• Any limits set must be compatible with the ship’s parameters; this applies in particular to
ship dynamics and dimensions, as well as the accuracy of the sensor technology used.
5. Criticality
• It must be ensured that the current voyage plan cannot be deleted.
• Parameters of the track section currently being followed - defined by last way point, way
point currently being steered towards, and following way point - must not be modified.
6. Limit values and alarm facilities
• Alarm, if voyage plan being used is older than the existing sea chart data.
7. Representation/display
• Both a graphical and an alphanumeric representation of the voyage plan must be available.
• The graphical display is intended to enable the planned voyage (i.e. particularly the track) to be
related to the geographical boundary conditions (to the particular sea region).