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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

3 Monitoring and execution of the voyage 
Monitoring and execution of the voyage constitute the central task area of the process “integrated navi 
gation”. This area supplies the fundamental output variables necessary to fulfil the process task [2], in 
the form of set values for machine data and rudder angle. These output variables are determined from 
the following fundamental input variables: 
1. Set parameters for voyage execution: 
• current voyage plan 
• set values for direction and speed of the ship from other processes as track planning. The 
sources for this may be both internal (dealing with unplanned incidents) or external (VTS). 
2. Variable for describing the current actual state: 
• ship data 
• geographical data 
• state variables 
• environmental data 
The tables on the following pages contain the requirements on the input information listed above.

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