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Full text: 28: Functional scope and model of integrated navigation systems

1. Voyage planning 
Data flow: 
Voyage plan data 
1. Origin 
• The origin of the voyage plan data must be known. In particular, it must be possible to subse 
quently establish which information the voyage plan data were based on (e.g. sensor technology 
2. Validity 
• The set parameters stored in the voyage plan data must be valid, i.e. they must be suitable for 
clarifying the unplanned incident to hand. This applies in particular to set courses and speeds. 
3. Quality 
• Voyage plan data must be constantly adapted to the changing situation, i.e. the generation time 
of the set parameters contained must be monitored, 
• Set parameters must not contradict the boundary conditions. 
4. Harmonisation 
• Set values of the voyage plan data and existing manoeuvring limits (ROT limit, rudder limit) must 
not contradict one another. 
5. Criticality 
6. Limit values and alarm facilities 
• Alarm if voyage plan data necessitate the manoeuvring limits being exceeded. 
7. Representation/display

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