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Full text: 17: OPUS-current measurements

IL Data processing 
The Aanderaa RCM raw data are converted to physical data using individual calibration 
data for each current meter. The BSH calibrates its current meters regurlarly performing tests for 
rotor speed and compass deviation. ADCP current data must not be calibrated, they can be used 
directly after conversion to ASCII format. 
Current statistics are calculated from unfiltered data. Mean values are marked by an 
overbar. The mean values of the zonal (u) and meridional (v) components of current vector V are 
given together with the 95% confidence interval assuming a Gaussian normal distribution: 
Ju' U ' 
mean value ± 1.96 —7=-— , n = number of cycles 
fn -1 
Mean kinetic energy k\i and eddy kinetic energy kE are calculated according to: 
k M = j O 2 + v2 X ^ E ~\ ^ u ' + v ' v ') 
If not particularly mentioned, progressive vector diagrams (PVDs) and time series plots are 
also calculated from unfiltered data. Only in a few cases the data are smoothed with a Gaussian 
low-pass. The start position of the PVDs is marked by a big cross (+). Time marks are given every 
48 hours or every 120 hours for longer records. For the long-term records at FBB 1995 (273 days) 
time marks are given every 15 days. 
Small gaps of a few hours in the meteorlogica] data were interpolated linearly.For greater 
gaps of about half a day, which occured especially in the Puttgarden records, wind speed and 
direction were set to zero. Time series of wind velocity and direction are shown in the 
oceanographic sense, i.e., the direction is the direction in which the wind blows. This makes it 
easier to compare with the current directions.

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