27 Nansen bottle samples with temperature,
with the sampler being placed immediately
over the bathysonde,
302 selected samples, Only such measurements
were used for comparison which had been taken
during suitable hydrographic conditions,
2 stations at which the bathysonde and multi-
sonde were operated simultaneously (the bathy-
sonde was built into the multisonde's cage).
The measurement series (3) were used primarily to com-
pare the two probe systems to one anether,.
After taking into account an additive correction for
temperature and conductivity, this resulted in
Temperaturet 6 = + 0,.08° €
Salinity: $= + 0,06 %o
for the standard deviation for temperature and salinity.
Dependence on the time and the depth was not observed
within these limits of accuracy.
The relative accuracy - this is the measure for the
comparability of the measurements one with another -
for temperature and conductivity lies within the digital
resolution, In both cases it comes to + 0,01 units.
The numbers of the stations on the lists by METEOR
(p-. 20 ) and by the Deutsches Ozeanographisches Daten-
zentrum (DOD) (p. 25 ) do not coincide, as the DOD list
shows only those stations with consecutive numbering
for which hydrocasts are available,
The station data in all figures r-“er to the METEOR list
on p. 20 ff,
The selection of horizontal charts and the representation
of vertical sections are in accordance with international
agreements, The nearshore part of the long sections is
shown twice at different scales, This enables a better