took place down to 100 m depth. At 500 m depth, there
was again about the same concentration as at the sur-
face; at 1000 m depth, the value lay again at about
40 % higher, Only from 2,000 m depth downwards could
one again observe activity concentrations at the same
levels as those of the other stations. Unfortunately,
there are no 900g measurement values available from
this vertical profile.
A comparable vertical distribution of !?7cg
could be observed on 4th August, 1972, at a station
at 50° N 15° W (Fig. 111). Thereby, the concentration
at 1,000 m depth rose to over double that present at
the surface, however, showed -—- below 2,000 m —- the
same trend as those of the aforementioned stations,
Ihe vertical distribution of the ?°sr activity con-
centrations at this station showed practically the
same trend; that is, downwards to the depths there
was no increase in concentration to be observed
(Fig. 112). This clearly shows that this results
from the isotope relationship 90gp: 13705 in the
different depths. At the surface it was 1:1.4,
and 1:5,3 at 1,000 m depth. We had already observed
a comparable occurence in 1970 at a station in the
western Mediterranean Sea (Kautsky 1977).
These results indicate that - under certain
conditions —- the concentrations of 15708 and 909
in the Mediterranean can be differently influenced,
The local enrichment of 15708 measureable in certain
depth horizons, in contrast to 908, suggests the
possibility of the effect of biological mechanisms.
It is known that 908 does not normally accumulate
in plankton or other marine organisms, but on the
other hand, that 15708 can do so to a certain degree
(up to about a factor of 100).
The 15708 activity concentration values in
surface water had not changed in 1974 when compared
with those of 1972. Down to 500 m depth, the values
- within the framework of the usual deviations —-