curves of salinity and density, however, are a re-
sult of the incorrect salinity values, The oscillation
with a period of about 4 hours is not reliable,
2.b Vertical Current Profiles (G, Wegner)
An Aanderaa current meter (Model 4; gear 240:1) was
used to measure vertical current profiles; the measuring
cycle was 0,5 min, The instrument was built into a rack,
which was so balanced, that it sank freely along a pre-
viously lowered series wire at about 5 m/min (profiler).
The maximum operational depth of the instrument was
700 m, As the overflow of the near-bottom water was
to be registered, in general, only the last 200 m
above the bottom were profiled,.,
Of the 107 profile stations, 103 could
Current direction (DIR);
Current velocity (VEL);
Temperature (T);
Salinity (S)s;
plotted against the pressure (P), are shown as curves
in Figs, 11 to 104. Only the calibration factors given
by Messrs, Aanderaa were applied to the measurement
values for DIR, VEL and T, and the curves were smoothed
by the Formular
Yan = Yı_zı + 0425+Y * 0,54+ Yayı * 0.25,
whereby Yan 4 nth measurement value; further corrections
were not applied, The salinity values were also pro-
cessed in the same manner, after they had been com-
puted from the conductivity values with the Rohde
formula and corrected with an additive constant, The
constants were obtained as means from the comparison
between the values of the CTD probe, the bucket sampler
(salinometer) and the profiler.