The FRV "Walther Herwig", on her 51st (6) voyage from
9.8. to 23.9.1973, took part in the ICES Expedition
"QOVERFLOW '73", During the first section
of the voyage, work was carried out chiefly to the
South East of Iceland, along the Iceland-Faero Ridge,
This section was co-ordinated by the Deutsches Hydro-
graphisches Institut, The station network comprised
46 stations, which were repeated by three cycles in
succession, Fig, 1a shows the station network as
planned, Figs, 1b and 1c show separately the stations
at which hydrographical and chemical work was carried
The stations of the first cycle are numbered 1 to 45
(resp. 00100 to 04500); those of the second, 101 to
145 (resp. 10100 to 14500); and those of the third,
201 to 246 (resp. 20100 to 24600),
During the second cycle, two approximately 24-hour
permanent stations were inserted, These stations are
numbered 11901 to 11929 and 13201 to 13225, A third
permanent station which was carried out after comple-
tion of the three cycles, had the station number
300 (1 to 15).
The second section of the voyage
(7.9. to 23.9.1973) was co-ordinated by the Bundes-
forschungsanstalt für Fischerei, Institut für See-
fischerei(Federal Fisheries Research Institute, Sea
Fisheries Institute) and was carried out in the area
of the Denmark Strait, Fig. 1d shows the positions
of the bathysonde stations of the second section of
the voyage.
Not only hydrographical and chemical, but also bio-
logical investigations were carried out during both
sections of the voyage, Detailed information concern.
ing the stations made during both sections of the