Jahresberioiit Nr. 15/1958
.Towards the end of the year under review the fourth section of the new
building, housing the federal Authorities- of Transport, could be completed.
So the aim was reached to unite the various branches of the German
Hydrographic Institute under one roof, and the development of the G.H.I.
regarding premises has thus come to a certain termination. It is hoped
that at a time not too far ahead also the still lacking new workshop with
the ship's equipment store and the berths for the survey-ships will be
completed, and that the installation of a laboratory for the supervision of
the sea waters in respect of the contamination by radioactive substances
and other industrial waste-products will be granted.
furthermore it may be remarked with satisfaction that thanks to the
strong efforts of all participants the programmes for the International
Geophysical Year, in which the G.H.I. took part in the astronomical
determination of longitudes and latitudes as well as in the fields of
geomagnetism and oceanography, could be successfully carried.out. The task
of evaluating the observations will be solved with the support of the
"Deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft" in the near future. It deserves to be
emphasized that the oceanographic work, considering the present small
number of scientists in this field, could only be mastered by a close
cooperation of all bodies concerned, as for instance "Biologische Anstalt
Helgoland", "Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Kommission für Meeresforschung",
"Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut", "Institut für fischereibiologie
der Universität Hamburg", "Institut für Meeresforschung" at Bremerhaven,
and "Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Kiel".
The renewal of the Sailing Direction Work could be continued as per
plan with the issue of 3 Pilots as new editions. In 1958 the "Nordsee-
Handbuch, östlicher Teil" (North Sea.-Pilot, eastern part) appeared with
an addendum "Radar-Küstenansichten" (Radar Coastal Views.); furthermore
the "Westindien-Handbuch, I.Teil" (West Indian Pilot, Part I), and the
"Handbuch der Nord- und Westküste Spaniens und der Küste Portugals" (North
and West Coast of Spain and Coast of Portugal Pilot). The printing of
three other sailing directions was started. Seventeen sailing directions
were brought up-to-date by supplements and two by amendments.. The booklets
"Betonnung der deutschen Küstengewässer" (Buoyage in German coastal waters). 1
and "Winterbetonnung der deutschen Küstengewässer" (Winter Buoyage in German
coastal waters) appeared as supplements to the sailing directions. Work in
connection with the publication of the "Monatskarten für den Indischen
Ozean" (Monthly Pilot Charts for the Indian Ocean) and the appertaining
Pilot for this Ocean was continued.
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