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Full text: Jahresbericht 1959

General Development of the G.H.I. during 1959 
- Seite 83 - 
the library, 488 have a bearing on Oceanography and Geophysios, 201 deal 
with nautical affairs and navigation, 155 concern nautical engineering, 
112 geomagnetism, and 93 sea survey and geodesy. Special attention is paid 
to a check on the exchange-partners (at present 360 foreign ones) with the 
aim to discontinue non-paying exchange relations and to extend or complete 
existing exchange relations. This is done to replenish the necessary 
nautical and scientific literature for the G.H.I.'s fields of work. In the 
archives the listing of the stock is progressing rapidly. The change from' 
shelf-lists to index-cards had proved and will be concluded before long. 
The "Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift" has issued in 1959 5 numbers 
(Volume 11: No.6; Volume 12: Nos.1-4) and 1 "Ergänzungsheft"; the latter 
contains the preliminary results of the German participation with the 
vessels "Gauss" and "Anton Bohm" in' the International Geophysical Tear 
1957/58. This "Ergänzungsheft" was presented to the International Oceano 
graphic Congress held at New York in August 1959- 
The "Ausschuss des Seeverkehrsbeirats für die Angelegenheiten des Deut 
schen Hydrographischen Instituts” (Committee on the.. Sea Transport Advisory 
Council for the Affairs of the German Hydrographic Institute) held its 
16th meeting on February 17th, 1959 in Hamburg in the building which houses 
the Federal Authorities of Transport. In a number of lectures the members 
were informed about kind and extent of the work done within the compass of 
the International Geophysical Year by the G.H.I. in co-operation with 
committees of the "Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft" and of the "Ausschuss 
für Funkortung". The "Ausschuss des Seeverkehrsbeirats" concerned itself 
also with the further treatment, through the federal authorities of trans 
port, of its resolutions submitted after its 15th meeting to the "Seever 
kehrsbeirat" (Sea Transport Advisory Council), A proposal of the G.H.I. to 
set off by brighter colouring the circular radio beacons in charts, found 
the approval of the "Ausschuss", whilst the request made by a fishery 
society for publication of a Becca chart covering the western part of the 
Skagerrak was for the time being postponed.

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