- Seite 14 -
Jahresbericht Hr. 16/1961
W.U. J e i , "Vice-Minister of Communications China, Taipei, Taiwan
Chee Choal Ken, Seoul, Korea
Dr. Gertrud Kobe, Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Berlin -
Michael K o e h n , Master Marine, CMSNC
Captein Vf. Langeraar , Hydrographer of the Royal Netherlands Navy,
Arthur Lee, Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft, U.K.
S.T. Lee, General Manager, President, China Corporation Register of
Shipping, Taipei, Taiwan, Rep. of China
Br. T. Laevastu, Fisheries Division PAO, Rom
Paul D. McCusker, Acting American Consul General Amerikanisches
Direktor Milewski , Polski Rejestr Statkow, Gdingen
Prof. Torao M o z a i , Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, Tokyo
Prof. Dr. H i, k o n Mosby, Universität Bergen
Manuel Antunea da Mota, Instituto Hidrográfico de Portugal
Dr. Hiroshi N i i n o , Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Tan Liep N i o , Legal Council P.T. "Relajaran Nasional Indonesia"
(Indonesian Government's Shipping Coy), Djakarta,
N. 0 1 c a y , Oceanographer at the Turkish Hydrographic Office, Istanbul
S. Posthumus, Dir. Noorderkuvelschool, Delfzyl
M. Ring, Vermessungshochschule in Holon,.Israel
Dr. J.R. Rossiter, Tidal Institute, Birkenhead, England
Kapt. Naoto Sameshima, Tokyo Nautical College, Tokyo
Muneto Shashiki , Japanisches Generalkonsulat, Hamburg
Dipl.-Ing. S h i r d a n , Civil and Engeneering Company, Haifa,
Lt. Cdr. A.C. Swart , Canadian Army, Ottawa, Kanada
J.J. Steensma, Amsterdam
Rear Admiral Edward Clark , S t e p h a n , Hydrographer of the United States
Navy, Washington D.C.
H. Steiniz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept, of Zoology