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Full text: Jahresbericht 1961

General Development of the G.H.I. during 1961 
- Seite 103 - 
orders were affected. Typetestings were made with a total of 16 models of 
new magnetic and gyroscopic compasses and also with radar equipments, radio 
direction finding and Doran equipments, the admission for three of them had 
to he adjourned for the time being. In addition to individual tests of new 
shipborne radio direction finding equipment there was to be carried out - 
for the time being only in the Hamburg area - the re-checking of roughly 500 
radio direction finding instruments, the installment of which became obliga 
tory in July 1961.. The data gathered so far from testing radio direction 
finding instruments were analysed and compiled and extended to all interested 
circles of respective factories, to shipping and competent authorities. The 
determination of minimum distances of instruments from the magnetic ship's 
compasses were developed for 5 complete radar units, for a radar scanner 
driving aggregate, as well as for 2 typetestings of air sound-signal instru 
ments. Under consideration of the experience wè made wé - in agreement with 
the See-Berufsgenossenschaft (Mariners' Association) - altered in some re 
spects the principles for determining the minimum protective distance. The 
standardization of position-lights was concluded; thus was established a 
basis for the construction of uniform lights for merchant vessels (sea-going 
and inland vessels) as well as for other ships. This guarantees replacement 
and supply of spare parts. 
In the field of magnetic compasses work began for setting up internation 
ally applicable testing and attesting regulations. In correspondence with 
a resolution by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 
Germany in conjunction with the Netherlands is in charge of the clerical 
work. With respect to gyroscopic compasses much attention was also paid to 
the improvement and extension of equipments and techniques for testings. 
Unfortunately, owing to considerable loss of personel it was not possible 
to further as much as was intended the research projects that are financ 
ially supported by ERP means. Nevertheless, for the first time the instru 
ments for the determination of the magnetic declination at sea could be 
completet and tested on board. 
In the library a new catalogue was started on by applying a small-scale 
offset technique, commencing with book-No. 79 000. The first catalogue was 
compiled in 1890, the second one in 1937. Apart from this a "Hydrographi- 
sche Dokumentation" (hydrographic documentation) was set about. 5 numbers 
and 1 supplementary copy appeared of the "Deutsche Hydrographische Zeit 
schrift 1 '. The number of foreign authors is increasing. The exchange of 
nautical and scientific publications with more than 600 offices, authorities 
and institutes at home and abroad expanded and intensified in a pleasing 
manner; more than 2/3 of them being foreign partners. In the compass of the

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