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Full text: 13: HELCOM Scientific Workshop on the Effects of the 1997 Flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers

The International Odra Project 
Arndt Knöchel 1 , Anne-Katrin Meyer 1 & Edeltrauda Heiios-Rybicka 2 
1 University of Hamburg 
Inst. f. Inorganic and Applied Chemistry 
Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6 
20146 Hamburg 
2 University of Mining and Metallurgy 
Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection 
Al. Mickiewicza 30 
30-059 Cracow 
The International Odra Project (IOP), which started with work in July 1997, is supported by 
the Federal Ministry for Research, Technology, Education and Science of the FRG. In this 
interdisciplinary research project presently 11 German and Polish groups of scientists are co 
operating. For the future an enlargement by Czech research groups is planned. 
The objectives of the IOP are shown in figure 1. 
Fig. 1 : Objectives of the IOP 
Beside a contribution to the development of the European integration and especially the 
intensivation of the German-Polish-Czech collaboration it is the primary scientific object of the 
IOP to describe of the status, dynamics as well as the metabolism of the pollutants present 
Basis for this is the simultaneous and comprehensive determination of all scientifically 
reachable parameters in all compartments of the Odra River. On the basis of these results it is 
possible to: 
• define a modem monitoring system which comprises all toxicologically relevant pollutants 
• provide arguments for sanitation measures 
• develop quality criteria for several regions (settlement and industrial areas, areas used for 
production of drinking water, Regions for protection of nature and landscape).

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