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Full text: Jahresbericht 1990

Mitarbeit in Ausschüssen 
IOC-SCOR Committee on Climatic Changes and the Ocean (CCCO) 
TOGA/WOCE Voluntary Observing Ship Coordination Committee: Dr. Sy 
TOGA/XBT Operations and Management Committee (OMC): Kohnke 
internationaler Rat fur Meeresforschung (ICES, International Council for the 
Exploration of the Sea) 
Marine Environmental Quality Committee: Prof. Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Environmental Assessments and Monitoring Strategies: Prof. Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on the Baltic Marine Environment: 
W. Lange, Dr. Mittelstaedt, Prof. Dr. Weichart 
Study Group on Patchiness in the Baltic Sea: Prof. Dr. Weichart 
Study Group on the Risks of Introduction of non indigenous Species of Ballast Water: Dr. Rolke 
Hydrography Committee: Prof. Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Marine Chemistry: Dr. D. Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Weichart 
Ad hoc Group on the Review of the Baseline Study on Trace Metals in Coastal and Shelf Sea 
Waters: Dr. D. Schmidt 
Working Group on Marine Data Management: Brockmann 
Working Group on Shelf Seas Oceanography: 
Dr. Becker, G. Wegner, Prof. Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography: Dr. Becker 
Working Group on Marine Sediments in Relation to Pollution: Dr. Albrecht 
Study Group on Baltic Sea Modelling: Muller-Navarra 
Study Group on SKAGEX: W. Lange 

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