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Full text: Jahresbericht 1985

The Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut (PHI) ln 1985 
of a numerical model, the spreading of the substances reaching the North 
Sea from the rivers was investigated. 
The establishment of automatic registering measurement stations of the 
oceanographic measurement grid, because of the change-over to the light 
vessel replacement system, was advanced further. 
The Nordostatlantisches Monitoring-Programm (NOAMP) for the spreading of 
substances in the deep sea was completed after two final research 
cruises. An areal radiological/oceanographic coverage of the northern 
North Sea as far as Spitsbergen took place. In addition, the heavy metal 
content, the spreading of organohalogen compounds in seawater for the 
Helsinki Convention, and the currents in the North Sea and the Baltic 
Sea were investigated. 
The tests of nautical systems, equipment, and instruments, the supervi 
sion of the compliance with the Ship Safety Regulations (SchSV) by con 
trols carried out on board, and the recognition and supervision of firms 
for the testing of nautical systems, equipment, and instruments were 
carried out in the normal way. Further suitable persons were authorized 
as auxiliary bodies for the DHI. 
In the development of radar installations, the trend to digital screen 
signal processing continued. On the whole, one could ascertain from the 
type-testing that many manufacturers of nautical systems and pieces of 
equipment make full use of the technical possibilities of the ADP. 
Exceptions to the requirements of the Ship Safety Regulations were 
permitted if a comparable safety of the ship was guaranteed in another 
The setting-up and testing of the devices for the testing of the 
behaviour of nautical systems and pieces of equipment - under the 
environmental conditions (vibration, cold, heat, humidity, seawater) 
encountered on board ship - in a laboratory especially fitted out for 
that task was completed near the end of the year. 
The transmission of time signals over Norddeich Radio and Kiel Radio was 
discontinued on 1st November on the instruction of the Federal Minister 
of Transport. 
In accordance with the Bundesberggesetz (Federal Mining haw), the DHI 
approved four applications in 1985 for the carrying out of research 
actions on the continental shelf of the Federal Republic of Germany and 
concluded two administrative agreements. In accordance with the Hohe- 
See-Einbringungsgesetz (High Seas Dumping haw), seven permits were 
issued for the incineration of wastes at sea and five permits for the 
dumping of wastes in the High Seas. One permit for the incineration of 
wastes at sea was withdrawn, and one application for the granting of a 
permit for incineration of wastes in accordande with the allowance of 
the haw was rejected because the possibility of disposal on land 
This year the DHI, again in collaboration with the Netherlands marine 
environmental protection authority - Rijkswaterstaat, has carried out 
regular monitoring flights over the continental shelf of the Federal

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