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Full text: Jahresbericht 1985

40. Jahresber. Dt. Hydrogr. Inst. 1985 
Rettung", the booklet "Winterbetonnung der Küstengewässer der Bundesre 
publik Deutschland", as well as the "Nautisches Jahrbuch oder Ephemeri- 
den und Tafeln für das Jahr 1986", and the accompanying booklets to the 
six sets of charts for sport-boats on the North Sea, were issued. 
Of the "Verzeichnis der Leuchtfeuer und Signalstellen'' (List of Lights 
and Signal Stations), which consists of a total of 14 Parts, eight were 
published as new edition. 
The volumes "Nautischer Funkdienst" and the volume "Sprechfunk für Kü 
stenschiffahrt" were kept up-to-date by Supplements. The volumes "Jacht- 
funkdienst" "Nord- und Ostsee" and "Mittelmeer", as well as the Table 
"Wetter- und Warnfunk" appeared as special reprints. 
The "Nachrichten für Seefahrer" (Notices to Mariners) was published with 
an issue of 3,100 copies, in which the replacement pages for the 
"Leuchtfeuerverzeichnis" and reprints of the "Nautische Warnnachrichten" 
from the regions I to IV of the Radio Warning System are included loose. 
Further inclusions were the "Liste der noch gültigen P- und T-Nachrich- 
ten" and the "Liste der zur Berichtigung herangezogenen Seekarten". 
Under the title "Mitteilungen” 24 articles of interest to the navigator 
were issued. 
The work of the Seewarnzentrale was professionally supervised. 
The chart portfolio published seven new charts, 124 new editions, 148 
up-dated reprints, and 120 replacement pages. Six nautical charts were 
Of the 14 international charts of the North Sea, which are to be pro 
cessed by the DHI, two were produced. Thereby, to date, five interna 
tional charts of that region have appeared. The work for the internatio 
nal chart survey of the Baltic Sea is underway. 
For the Federal Ministry of Transport, as well as for the Federal and 
State Authorities, drafts for the representation of the limits of the 
continental shelf, fisheries, and territorial waters have been prepared 
and examined. 
In this connection, the sea frontier charts of the DHI, with the 
enlargement of the Federal German territorial waters in the North Sea 
(Box solution), have been Issued again. 
As the result of the first International Conference on the Protection of 
the North Sea, the DHI gains even greater significance as the central 
Marine Environmental Protection Authority of the Federal Republic of 
Germany, and the requirements of the monitoring of the seawater for 
injurious impurities, oil recognition and oil identification increase 
considerably. The DHI has participated in the international oil recogni 
tion experiment (Archimedes II). The aim was the recording of the type, 
the layer thickness, and the spreading of oil. Hereby, a numerical model 
(developed in the DHI) for the forecasting of the drift and spreading of 
oil was successfully employed. 
A comprehensive study concerning the spreading of harmful substances and 
the pollution burden in the North Sea was issued; in which, with the aid

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