Mitarbeit in Ausschüssen
Kommission des Helsinki-Übereinkommens zum Schutze der marinen Umwelt
der Ostsee
Scientific-Technological Working Group (STWG): Dr. Albrecht, Dr. Koop-
mann (Contact Address)
Ad hoc Working Group on Criteria and Standards for Discharges of Harmful
Substances into the Baltic Sea Area (WGS): Dr. Albrecht
Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation (IAEA, International Atomic
Energy Agency)
Research Coordination Group on Transuranic Cycling Behaviour in the Ma
rine Environment: Prof. Dr. Kautsky
Technical Committee on "Co-operative Programme on the Study of Radioac
tive Materials in the Baltic Sea": Prof. Dr. Kautsky
Technical Committee on "Radioactive Waste Disposal into the Sea": Prof.
Dr. Kautsky
OECD/Kernenergie-Agentur (OECD/NEA, Nuclear Energy Agency)
Executive Group for Research on Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Prof.
Dr. Kautsky
Physical Oceanography Task Group for Research on Sea Disposal of Radio
active Waste: Dr. Mittelstaedt
Modelling Task Group for Research on Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste:
Dr. Brockmann
Radiological Surveillance Task Group for Research on Sea Disposal of
Radioactive Waste: Prof. Dr. Kautsky
Seabed Working Group/Physical Oceanography Task Group: Prof. Dr.
Advisory Group on "NEA Multilateral Consultation and Surveillance Mecha
nism for Sea Dumping of Radioactive Waste": Prof. Dr. Kautsky
Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
Arbeitsgruppe "Umweltfragen" (ENV): Dr. Koopmann
Arbeitsgruppe "Überwachung und Kontrolle der Abfälle aus der Ti02 - Pro-
duktion ln der Umwelt": Dr. Grabert-Carlson, Rühl