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Full text: Jahresbericht 1981

36. Jahresber. Dt. Hydrogr. Inst. 1981 
Internationaler Rat fiir Meeresforschung (ICES, International Council for 
the Exploration of the Sea) 
Marine Environmental Quality Committee: Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Marine Pollution Baseline and Monitoring Studies in 
the North Atlantic: Dr. D. Schmidt, Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Pollution of the Baltic: Dr. Weichart 
Hydrography Committee: Prof. Dr. Weidemahn 
Study Group on Flushing Times of the North Sea: Dr. Becker 
Study Group on a Tidal Current Atlas of the North Sea: Koltermann 
Working Group on Marine Chemistry: Dr. D. Schmidt, Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Marine Data Management: Kohnke 
Working Group on Shelf Seas Hydrography: Dr. Becker, Koltermann 
Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography: Dr. Becker 
Working Group on Marine Sediments: Dr. Albrecht 
Zwischenstaatliche Beratende Seeschiffahrts-Organisation (ÏMCO, Inter- 
Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization) 
Subcommittee on Radiocommunication: Hammerschmidt 
Working Group on the Future Global Maritime Distress and Safety System: 
Kommission des London-Übereinkommens 
Scientific Group: Riihl 
Incineration Group: Riihl 
Kommission des Oslo-Übereinkommens 
Standing Advisory Committee for Scientific Advice (SACSA): Riihl 
Incineration Group: Riihl 
Kommission des Paris-Übereinkommens 
Technical Working Group (TWG): Riihl, Dr. Weichart 
Working Group on Mercury Pollution: Dr. D. Schmidt 
Kommissionen der Oslo- und Paris-Übereinkommen 
Joint Monitoring Group: Dr. Weichart (1. Vors.)

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