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Full text: Jahresbericht 1978-1979

33734, Jahresbericht des Deutschen Hydrographischen Instituts 1978/79 
unknown wrecks were discovered in the process. The research vessel „Meteor“, 
operated by the DHI and made use of in conjunction with the DFG* **) * ), undertook 
six cruises, namly nos. 49, 50 and 51 for the DFG and nos. 47, 48 and 52 for the 
On cruise no. 47, marine chemical, sedimentological and physical-oceanographic 
investigations were carried out in the German Bight and radiological and physi 
cal-oceanographic measurements taken in the entiere North Sea area. The 48th 
cruise was used for regional geophysical investigations of the southern part of the 
Reykjanes Ridge as well as an area north-east of the Iceland-Faroe Ridge. On the 
49th cruise, research vessel „Meteor" took part in the international expedition JA- 
S1N"), the results from which are to contribute to the improving of weather fore 
casting and climate research. The purpose of the 50th cruise - to the Mediterra 
nean Sea - was geophysical-geological studies of the earth's crust and sediment as 
well as the examination of natural and anthropogenic trace elements in seawater. 
A one-week seminar for Arabian scientists on marine chemical measuring me 
thods took place on board in Alexandria. 
In 1978/79, „Meteor" participated on her 51st cruise in the international expedition 
FGGE 1978/79"*) in the equatorial Atlantic. On this cruise, investigations were 
carried out into the dynamics of equatorial current systems, upwelling in the 
equatorial regions, the ecostructure of the upwelling systems, gas exchange be 
tween the ocean and the atmosphere, the physics of precipitation in the tropics 
and wind structure. On the 52nd cruise of „Meteor", seawater investigations in the 
North Sea and the Arctic Ocean were carried out. 
The survey and research vessel „Gauß“ made 45 voyages to the North Sea and the 
Baltic for the purpose of oceanographic and geological investigations, monitoring 
of seawater for noxious impurities as well as type testing of radio navigation in 
stallations. A vital task was the participation of „Gauß" in the 1979 measuring pro 
gramme ,Jahr der Deutschen Bucht". Research also concentrated here upon im 
proving knowledge concerning tides, tidal currents and wind-induced currents as 
well as obtaining data permitting numerical models for the calculation of these 
motions to be checked. Closely connected with this was the participation of the 
DHI in the research programme MARSEN****), for which direct measurements 
from ships, buoys and platforms to compare data from remote sensing procedures 
were necessary. In addition to this waves and mixing were studied. The monitor 
ing of seawater in the North Sea and the Baltic for toxic substances was con 
tinued and adapted to the international conventions {Paris Convention, Oslo Con 
vention, Helsinki Convention). The DHI controlled the incineration of highly po 
isonous waste materials on incineration vessels and the consequences of this for 
the surrounding sea area. 
The nautical and hydrographic services - service for tides, water level forecasts 
and storm surge warnings, ice service, time service, geomagnetic service and the 
*) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 
**) Joint Air-Sea Interaction Project 
“*) First GARP Global Experiment 
****) Marine Remote Sensing Experiment North Sea

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