The Deutsches Hydrographisches Institut (DHI) in 1978 and 1979
In 1978 a reorganisation of the DHI took place by merging and restructuring of
departments. It now comprises the special departments Oceanography (M), Nauti
cal Publications, Surveying and Charts (N), Ship Safety Techniques (T), and the
central department (Z), handling the administrative work connected with these
12 new editions of the DHI's pilots, 34 supplements and the handbook „Für
Brücke und Kartenhaus" appeared in 1978/79, The DHI published the description
„Klima und Wetter im Mittelmeer" as a reprint from Part III of the Mediterranean
pilot. Furthermore the booklets „Winterbetonnung der Küstengewässer der Bun
desrepublik Deutschland**, the „Nautisches Jahrbuch oder Ephemeriden und Ta
feln für das Jahr 1979" and the same for 1980 were issued. 12 parts of the „Ver
zeichnis der Leuchtfeuer und Signalstellen" also appeared. 3900 copies of the
„Nachrichten für Seefahrer" were printed, containing several supplements: infor
mation about buoyage system ,A" was given in special supplements. Thanks are
here extended to the numerous captains and officers who supported the DHI’s
work with nautical reports.
For ships not compulsorily equipped with any nautical documents, the DHI pu
blished the .Jachtfunkdienst Mittelmeer", the .Jachtfunkdienst Nord- und Ost
see” and the tables „Wetter und Wamfunk“.
Work on the International Set of Charts was also continued in 1978/79. The series
of charts to scales of 1:3.5 million and 1:10 million were taken over almost in their
entirety, and the guidelines elaborated by the NSICC*) for the medium-scale and
large-scale international charts were further developed. Charts were drawn auto
matically by the Institute’s data processing equipment for the first time in 1978.
The number of charts with printed hyperbole grids was increased. Considerable
additional work on the set of charts was caused by the introduction of the
buoyage system „A“ (red on port side). Initial discussions with the Seehydrogra
phischer Dienst of the German Democratic Republic concerning the impending
laying of new buoys in the Baltic took place in Rostock in 1978. One year later the
Head of the Seehydrographischer Dienst and several colleagues returned the vi
sit by coming to Hamburg.
In the graphic department the changeover from metallic type setting and printing
to text processing by means of phototype setting began, and the first metallic
type setting machine was replaced by phototype setting equipment.
For hydrographic surveying, approximately 33,500 nautical miles of sounding li
nes were run by the survey and research vessel „Komet” and the survey vessel
„Süderoog“ in the North Sea and the Baltic. The survey aqd wreck searching ves
sels ,Atalr" and „Wega” examined 220 known wrecks in these seas as well as posi
tions where the presence of underwater obstructions was suspected. 28 previously
*) North Sea International Chart Commission