Mitarbeit in Ausschüssen
Union Internationale des Télécommunications (UIT, Internationale Fernmeldeunion)
(CCIR) Comité Consultatif International des Radiocommunications (Internationaler Beratender
Ausschuß für den Funkdienst)
Studienkommission 8 „Mobile Dienste“: Flammerschmidt
Interims Working Party 8/14: Flammerschmidt
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES, Internationaler Rat für Meeresfor
Hydrography Committee: Prof. Dr. Weichart
Ad hoc Group on the Review of the Baseline Study on Trace Metals in Coastal and Shelf Sea
Waters: Dr. D. Schmidt
Study Group on Baltic Sea Modelling: Müller-Navarra
Study Group on SKAGEX: W. Lange
Working Group on Marine Chemistry: Dr. D. Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Weichart
Working Group on Marine Data Management: Brockmann
Working Group on Marine Sediments in Relation to Pollution: Dr. Albrecht
Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography: Dr. Becker
Working Group on Shelf Seas Oceanography: Dr. Becker, G. Wegner, Prof. Dr. Weichart
Marine Environmental Quality Committee: Prof. Dr. Weichart
Study Group on Patchiness in the Baltic Sea: Prof. Dr. Weichart
Study Group on the Risks of Introduction of non indigenous Species of Ballast Water: Dr. Rolke
Working Group on the Baltic Marine Environment: W. Lange, Dr. Mittelstaedt, Prof. Dr. Weichart
Working Group on Environmental Assessments and Monitoring Strategies: Prof. Dr. Weichart
European Space Agency (ESA, Europäische Weltraumorganisation)
BDDN Deutsche FD SAR Station: Rudloff, Strübing
ERS-1 Data Policy Working Group: Rudloff (Dt. Delegierter)
NAVSAT Advisory Committee: Hammerschmidt, Petersen
Programme Board Earth Observation (PB-EO)
Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (EOSTAG): Rudloff