Volume 48 (1996) Number 2
Portions of a well-mixed layer can also be advected
away. The daily means at 202 and 503 mab range
between 0 and 4 cm/s with a great day-to-day varia
bility. The BML height varies according to the mean
values and stabilizes only during periods of stronger
flow which last 4-5 days at MK1, or several weeks
at D1. Numerical estimates of BML height h„, for ex
ample those given by Richards [1990] for modelling
purposes, provide too small values compared to the
observations presented above (of the order of /i c ).
But /¡n is also directly related to i7 E and will therefore
vary in the same way as lt c (see Fig. 8). Armi and
Millard [1976] estimated h a to be approximately 6
times the Ekman layer height, which agrees fairly
well with the above observations.
Observations of the temporal variability of
BMLs are well documented from different Atlantic
sites, e.g. by Armi and Millard [1976] and Klein
[1987]. Pulsations of the deep flow like those ob
served at D1 are also known from the deep NE-At-
lantic (Klein and Mittelstaedt [1992]), where pe
riods of stronger near-bottom flows observed in the
bottom 1500 m have a duration of 1 to 2 month. De
finite causes of the forcing and vertical extension of
pulsations in the Peru Basin have not been found,
however. Driving mechanisms like deep-reaching
mesoscale eddies have not been observed in the
data. Possible mechanisms are episodic spill-overs
similar to those described by Lonsdale [1980] for
deep water exchange in the Panama Basin by spill
overs from the Peru Basin.
Beside the ‘long-term’ alternation between pe
riods of weak (1-3 cm/s) and strong (>5 cm/s) near
bottom flow with typical time scales of 3 to
5 months, there is a strong day-to-day variability of
daily mean values during periods of weak currents.
Therefore, stable BBL’s can only be expected du
ring periods of strong currents. The variation of the
daily mean flow often is faster than the time neces
sary to build up a BML. During times of mean values
<1 cm/s, the BBL and its sublayers might break
down completely, i. e. the BML is no longer main-
tained but eroded. The tidal currents are too weak to
produce enough turbulent energy for the permanent
maintenance of a strong BML. The transition bet
ween hydrodynamically smooth and rough condi
tion is controlled primarily by the grain size, respec
tively nodule diameter.
The local and temporal variability makes it diffi
cult to properly assess the impact of mining opera
tions and to model the physical environment, espe
cially for a larger area. The extent of a disturbance
will depend strongly on the - unpredictable - hydro-
dynamical situation on the sea bed. This holds par
ticularly for biological systems which react very
sensitively to extreme values. To obtain better esti
mates which not only give orders of magnitude, a
quasi-synoptic pattern of CTD stations and a moo
ring grid of less than 10 km is required.
The Bundesministerium für Forschung and
Technologie supported DISCOL under grants
03R389, 392, 396, 411, 417, and 03F0010F. The
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Forschung und
Technologie funded ATESEPP under contract num
bers 03-G-0106 A-l.
Armi, L. and R. C. Millard, 1976: The bottom boundary
layer in the deep ocean. J. Geophys. Res., 81,
Berner, R. A., 1976: The benthic boundary layer from
a viewpoint of a geochemist. In; The benthic bottom
boundary layer’, Ed.: I. N. McCave, pp. 33-56, New
York: Plenum Press.
Bowden, K. F., 1978: Physical problems of the benthic
boundary layer. Geophys. Sun/., 3, 255-296.
Gage, J. D. and P. A. Tyler, 1991: Deep-Sea Biology: A
natural history of organismns at the deep-sea floor.
Cambridge; Cambridge Univerity Press, 504 pp.
Hollister, C. D. and A. R. M. Nowell, 1991: HEBBLE
epilogue. Marine Geology, 99, 445-460,