ISSN 0012-0308
© BSH, Hamburg und Rostock
Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift
German Journal of Hydrography
Volume 48 (1996) Number 2
Near-Bottom Currents and Bottom Boundary
Layer Variability Over Manganese Nodule Fields
in the Peru Basin, SE-Pacific
Holger Klein
Near-bottom current meter data recorded between 0.6 and 500 metres above bottom (mab) at two man
ganese nodule sites in the deep Peru Basin are discussed with respect to the vertical current structure and
the formation and variability of the benthic boundary layer (BBL) and its sublayers. The data reveal a weak
current regime with great spatial and temporal variability and a bottom intensification at about 30-50 mab.
The BBL height varies according to the daily mean values of flow above the BBL, reaching maximally 150 to
200 metres.
Bodennähe Strömungen und Bodengrenzschichtvariabilität über Manganknollenfeldern im Peru
Becken, SO-Pazifik (Zusammenfassung)
Bodennähe Strommessungen (0,6 bis 500 m Bodenabstand) aus zwei Manganknollengebieten im Peru
Becken werden bezüglich des vertikalen Stromprofils und der Bildung und Variabilität der Bodengrenz
schicht und ihrer Unterschichten diskutiert. Die Daten zeigen ein schwaches Strömungsregime mit großer
zeitlicher und räumlicher Variabilität und einer Bodenintensivierung der Strömung bei etwa 30 bis 50 m Bo
denabstand. Die Höhe der Bodengrenzschicht variiert entsprechend den täglichen Mittelwerten der Strö
mung über der Bodengrenzschicht und erreicht eine maximale Höhe von 150 bis 200 m.
Since 1988, the TUSCH-group 1) , a multidiscipli
nary association of research groups, has investi
gated the potential impact of deep-sea manganese
nodule mining on the abyssal ecosystem of the
Peru Basin (Thiel and Schriever [1989], Thiel et al.
[1994], Thiel [1995]). During the DISCOL 2 ) experi
ment in 1989, part of the DISCOL Experimental
Area (DBA) was disturbed using a towed plow-
harrow in order to simulate a mining operation and
to investigate the subsequent recolonization of local
benthic communities (Schriever [1995]). Biological,
geological, geochemical, and soil-mechanical inve
stigations in the DBA and surrounding undisturbed
areas were carried out before the disturbance, di
rectly after the disturbance, and in subsequent
years (Schriever et al. [1996]).
Besides the direct disturbance of the sea bed,
the influence of settling sediments - mobilized du
ring mining operations - has to be considered. Mo
bilized sediment plumes are dispersed according to
local current strength and current variability. Rese
dimentation of advected suspended particles may
also affect areas beyond the mining sites proper.
Moreover, the local current regime - together with
bottom roughness and topography - controls the
properties of the bottom or benthic boundary layer
(BBL) and its variability. Knowledge about the BBL
structure is of great significance because local che
mistry, biology, and physics of the BBL are closely
interwined (Berner [1976]).
11 TUSCH = Tiefsee-Umweltschutz = deep-sea environmental protection
21 DISCOL = Disturbance and recolonization experiment in the South Pacific