heavier gear and larger nets, for higher speed on long distance
passages, and for a reduction of the number of the crew cannot be
met by a vessel built in the early 60s.
Nevertheless, both the managing institute DHI and the DFG will
endeavour to make optimum use of METEOR in marine research, as
far as feasible from the point of view of technics, finance and per-
sonnel. In these efforts they may rely, as in the past, on the assistance
by both the ship’s command and the embarked groups of scientists.
This present review of the research cruises that have so far been
undertaken by METEOR is to serve mainly practical purposes:
It is to draw the attention of all those who are interested in observed
data and in biological and geological samples, to collections and data
that have not yet been fully evaluated. At first each of the cruises
No. 1 to 49 with its working programmes and track charts, or charts
of the area of research, respectively, is represented. Then, the work
planned for research cruise No. 50 is described.
This review does not contain any results of the cruises, since a
well-balanced representation of results was considered unachievable,
due to the shortage of space. Instead, it was tried to compile a list
of all publications issued as a result of the expeditions. This list,
though comprehensive, can however not claim completeness,
The present review is based, among other things, on programme-
booklets that have been published by DHI or DFG, respectively.
Furthermore, it is based on the reports of some major cruises that
have been published in the series A of “Meteor-Forschungsergeb-
nisse“, Detailed information on individual cruises, as well as numerous
physical measured data are stored in, and available from, the Deut-
sches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum / German Oceanographic Data
Centre (DOD) which is maintained jointly by DFG and DHI. Thanks
are due to Mr. Kohnke, Director of the DOD, who has compiled this
review, with assistance by the DHI.
Dr. Gerhard Zickwolff
Präsident und Professor des
Deutschen Hydrographischen
Professor Dr. Gotthilf Hempel
Vorsitzender der Senats-
kommission für Ozeanographie der
Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft