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Full text: 50 Fahrten des Forschungsschiffs "Meteor"

In fact, the expeditions are closely related to other activities of 
marine research in the Federal Republic of Germany, from the tech- 
nical and institutional point of view as well as with regard to per- 
sonnel. Computational modelling and physical observations at sea, 
for instance, are now being undertaken parallel to each other. Results 
of in situ and experimental investigations on primary production and 
exchange processes are entered in the calculations of the spreading 
of noxious substances. 
R.V. METEOR is maintained jointly by the DFG and the DHI; she 
is managed by the DHI. Sharing in the costs and ship-time between 
these two institutions has led to an appreciative and close co-opera- 
tion. In the “Senatskommission für Ozeanographie“ of the DFG, 
scientists from universities and federal research institutes endeavour 
— in co-operation with the managing institute DHI and Dr. Meyl as 
representative of the DFG — to achieve a most effective planning 
with regard to ship-time to be allocated to the DFG, and to integrate 
oceanic basic research into the overall field of marine research, 
This also is the case in the international field. A major part of the 
cruises is undertaken within the framework of international pro- 
grammes. Foreign scientists — in many cases also from developing 
countries — are almost regularly participating in the expeditions. 
Finally, an outlook to future METEOR cruises: 
While several national and international programmes will be conti- 
nued, e.g. in the fields of pollution research and of the interaction 
ocean/atmosphere, other programmes, in particular the investigations 
of coastal upwelling off NW-Africa, will be discontinued. New 
international programmes are presently being developed for the 
equatorial zones; the northwestern Indian Ocean, and the Antarctic. 
METEOR’s participation in these expeditions leading to far distant 
regions is planned, in spite of the greater expenditure in time that 
will be involved. The development of the Law of the Sea impedes 
German research in some of its traditional working areas, but it also 
encourages developing countries in their wish for scientific assistance 
in building up a marine research of their own. R.V. METEOR will 
be used for this purpose, as well, within the framework of her rese- 
arch programmes. 
A planned reconstruction of the ship’s laboratories and a number 
of technical improvements will, once again, adapt METEOR to the 
requirements of modern marine research. New requirements for still 

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