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Full text: 73: Nährstoffmessungen in der Deutschen Bucht

METHODS (since 1978) 
Water samples were taken at various depths using plastic Nansen bottles (Hydrobios, Kiel) or a rosette 
sampler with Niskin bottles (General Oceanics, Miami). The salinity of the samples was measured 
using an inductive salinometer, since 1982 an Autosal-salinometer. 
The following nutrient analyses were carried out on board using a filterphotometer (Elko II, Carl 
Zeiss, Oberkochen): 
Dissolved inorganic phosphate according to Murphy and Riley (1962); precision (95% confidence 
range): ±0.03 pmol/l. Ammonia nitrogen according to Koroleff (1983); precision (95% confidence 
range): ±8%. Nitrite nitrogen according to Grasshoff (1983); precision (95% confidence range): +0.02 
Samples of silicate, nitrate+nitrite, total nitrogen, total phosphate and, from January 1990, also of 
dissolved inorganic phosphate were deep-frozen and analysed immediately on return: Silicate and 
nitrate+nitrite in the autoanalyzer in line with Technikon's instructions (1972); total nitrogen after 
oxidation in an alkaline medium; precision (95% confidence range): ±0.3 pmol/1 for silicate, ±0.5 gmol/ 
1 for nitrate+nitrite, ±7% for total nitrogen. Up to 1989, total phosphate was determined photometrically 
after digestion with potassium peroxodisulphate according to Koroleff (1968); precision (95% confiden 
ce range): ±0.05 pmol/1. After January 1990, total phosphate, like dissolved phosphate, was determined 
in the autoanalyzer according to Mangelsdorf (1972); precision (95% confidence range): ±3%. 
The phosphate, silicate, nitrite and nitrate+nitrite samples were filtered before analysis or deep 
freezing. The total phosphate and total nitrogen samples were filtered after digestion. To prevent 
contamination, the ammonium samples were not filtered. Instead, their turbidity blanks were measu 
red as part of the photometric analysis and subtracted from the results. The same procedure was 
applied to the 1978 samples for phosphate. 
The samples analysed in 1936 were filtered as described above. Weichart (1990) examined the 
comparability of the old phosphate data with the new.

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