T~i - f's^tidx
with R iy the normalized auto-correlation function
R t - f ( t) Uj ( t+T) dt
u, v zonal and meridional component of V
lPu' zonal variance
u r \P covariance
v ' v ' meridional variance
V mean current vector
Progressive vector diagrams
The progressive vector diagrams are processed from unfilte
red data. The start position is marked by a big cross (+). Time
marks fsmall crosses) are given every 30 days. The numbers near
the tracks are the sampling depth in metres.
Time series
The time series have been processed using partly modified
functions of the MATLAB Signal Processing and Optimisation Tool
box. The data have been low-passed with a 10th order IIR-Butter-
worth filter (infinite-duration impulse response). Filtering in
both directions led to a zero phase lag.