X _ Introduction
This volume is a graphical and statistical presentation of
moored current measurements carried out jointly by the Bundesamt
für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) and the Institut für
Meereskunde (IFM) in Hamburg. The data are part of the German
contribution to the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE).
They cover the period 1991 to 1995. The mooring locations (see
map) are in line with the WOCE-Hydrographic section Al/E, which
was repeated four times during the mooring period.
The mooring design was according to the institutions deep
ocean standard, all current meters were Aanderaa ROM 4/5 or 7/8,
sampling interval was one hour. The moorings were replaced annu
ally. Four moorings were lost completely (Dl, El, D2, and F3).
This work would have not been possible without the skilled
assistence of U. Drübbisch, H. Giese, H. May, and H. Wüllner in
the field work and M. Nesemann in the data analysis. This is
also true for the experienced help we found from crews of R/V's
'Meteor', 'Valdivia', and 'Walther Herwig' during the deployment
and recovery operations. Supporting funds were available from
the Bundesministerium für Forschung and Technologie under grants
03F0121B (BSH) and 03F0121A (IFM) and from the Deutsche For
schungsgemeinschaft for financing the ship-time for R/V 'Mete
or' .
Hamburg, December 1995
Dr. Ekkehard Mittelstaedt
Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt
und Hydrographie
Prof. Dr. Jens Meincke
Institut für Meereskunde