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Full text: 1: North Atlantic ship-of-opportunity XBT programme 1990

In the following, and grouped according to vessels’ voyage numbers, the measurements 
are presented in: 
1. Tables containing header information, SST, and remarks for each XBT drop; 
2. Track plots of each transect; 
3. Section plots showing the vertical temperature field of each transect; 
4. and profile plots of final temperature data (the profiles are offset according to the 
tick marks; the temperature at tick mark is - 2 °C). 
The different numbering may cause some confusion. The complete XBT drop number 
consists of 4 digits as shown in the profile plots. The leading 3 digits give the XBT drop 
number ranging from 001 to 999, and the last digit marks the repeat drop, where 
necessary. In the Tables the leading zero of the XBT drop number is omitted whereas 
in the track plots and section plots the repeat digit is also omitted.

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