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Full text: North Sea Summer Survey 2010

‘station i latitude 
43 1 58°00.01° N 
08°00.34 E 
08°15.00° E 
97°48.06° E 
07°00.86' E 
06°00.17° E 
04°59.76° E 
02°99.96° E. 
01°59.70° E 
90°98.14 E__ 
90°00.06° E__ 
01°00.493° W_ 
01°39.79° W. 
01°40.22. W_ 
01°00.00° W__ 
91°19.99 E 
03°29.96° E 
95°00.23° E 
96°00.38° E 
96°99.47. E 
97°99.91° E 
98°99.25° E 
99°23.85 E 
99°20.50' E 
38°00.55 E 
0599.95 E 
95°00.70° E 
02°9°59.88' F 
28 26, 15, 10,5 u 10m 
47 44,30, 17, 10,5,5 1 10m | 
43 42, 27, 20, 10,5,5 ii 10m N 
74 70, 70, 50, 40, 25, 10,5 ,5 : 10m | _XY 
87 85, 54, 43, 20, 11, 5,5 0 1 
76 73, 50, 40,20, 10, 5,5! 10 m 
68 66,39, 32, 16, 10,5,5 ! 10m 
84 Transit-Station 
73 70, 23, 10, 5, 5 
99 94, 49, 10, 5, 5 
59 56, 39, 10, 5, 5 
50 _46, 30, 11, 5, 6 
34 Transit-Station 
242 Transit-Station 
512 504, 69, 10, 5, BD 
308 302, 50, 5, 5 
127 120, 48, 22, 9,5,5 
7° "78 44.10.55 
water sampling iMERCOS radio- |Bedford- 
CTD [m] activity | Nr. 
: surface | 10500 
1136-139 |1 4.08.10 | 05:08 — 05:41 
H55- 159! 15.08.10 ! 16:30 — 17:07 
Seite 30 von 31

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