Selected market overview of AI based products for “Situation
There are currently no independent studies and comparisons between current devices available on the
market. A review of most of the products currently offered, containing Al components, is based on the
corresponding publicly available product descriptions (Koch et al., 2024). It must be taken into consid-
eration that the product descriptions of the manufacturers might be biased and lack some necessary
information because it acts as marketing material. One extract from this study (Koch et al., 2024), in-
cluding night vision systems, is summarised in Table 1. It shows that 10 out of the 11 products re-
viewed, which include night vision systems, use additional daylight cameras to support the nautical
personnel with the task of object identification. An inertia measurement unit (IMU) sensor is used in
five out of the 11 products reviewed. The review highlights the theoretical importance of EO systems
in the maritime environment. Maritime AIS is regulated by IEC 61993 and IEC 62287.
Data obtained from EO sensor systems has a decisive advantage in obstacle and ship detection over
data obtained from AIS and Radar. When interpreted correctly, Al-supported systems can notify per-
sonnel about unforeseen obstacles such as floating containers or unmapped land masses. If the sys-
tems receive only AIS or Radar data, they can detect only obstacles equipped with appropriate and
activated transmitters and obstacles of a certain size. If the technology improves further and makes IR
cameras more accessible, the EO sensor system could become a core sensor in autonomous vessels.
(Thombre et al., 2022)(IMO, 2024).
' RGB Camera
Night vision! LIDAR/RADAR | IMU_ | AIS *
Avikus HiNAS 2.0
Avikus NeuBoat '
MTU NautlQ Copilot
Orca Al
' Wärtsilä Voyage Autonomy Solutions .
Yara Birkeland X a
Table 1: Comparison of selected Al based systems in the 2023 market survev (Koch et al., 2024)
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Segmentation and object detection
The study on “Evaluation of Algorithms for Nautical Applications” (Koch et al., 2024) highlights different
aspects focusing on the standardisation and regulation of Al-based systems used in EO sensors. Object
detection enables EO systems to classify different objects. In a nautical context, these include ships,
Duoys, obstacles, and navigation aids as well as harbour infrastructure. The exact detection of these
objects is fundamental for ensuring safe navigation and collision avoidance as well as monitoring ship
traffic in ports. The study (Koch et al., 2024) compares different Machine Learning architectures, taking
into consideration the challenges of the maritime environment, and benchmarks its performance in
general situations. To demonstrate the principle, this study focusses on the detection of ships. In 2023,
no sufficiently comprehensive and annotated datasets were published for other nautical objects such
as buoys, obstacles, or navigation aids. Two types of applications were subject to the investigation: